GQradio interfaces with radio cards through the video4linux, or the FreeBSD bktr APIs. Stations can be tuned manually, set to presets, or auto seek can find the next available frequency. The application supports theming (skins), and includes a built-in skin editor. Skin formats are similar to GQmpeg.
Auto tune seeks to next available station.
Auto setting of the preset list (auto scan).
Skins. (themes)
Latest stable release is 1.0 - March 17, 2004
Latest development release is 1.9.2 - February 24, 2005
The RPMS built for Redhat 9 should also work on Fedora Core 1.
Screen Shots

The main window.

SkyBlue skin main window.

The main window expanded to include presets.

SkyBlue skin presets window.
Version History
1.9.2 - Febrary 24, 2005
Now requires GTK+ 2.4
Add volume boost option for tuner drivers that initialize with low volume.
Update to dialogs and preferences to newer ui styles.
Clean up build environment for latest autoconf tools and switch to glib-gettext in place of direct use of gettext.
Fix text size issues in skin engine.
Fix skin menus and other popup window placement bugs.
1.9.1 - April 7, 2004
Fix crash when gtk reports no (zero) dpi for pango.
1.9.0 - April 5, 2004
Port to GTK 2.
Added new skin SkyBlue.
Updated French translation.
Added exit.nomute button to the skin spec.
Updated skin engine to SLIK 0.91.0
1.0 - March 17, 2004
Added French translation.
Added --no-seek-mute option to disable mute on autoseek.
Fix bugs in preset list editor.
Fix help window crash in skin editor.
0.99.0 - January 25, 2003
Added FreeBSD bktr radio interface support.
Mouse wheel now controls volume.
Updated skin engine to latest release (SLIK 0.13.0).
0.6.0 - August 19, 2002
Upgraded skin engine.
Now uses X fonts to display text in the main window.
Added optional skinned menus.
0.5.0 - July 1, 2002
Added ability to quit without muting radio card ([Shift-Q] and in menu)
Fixed bug causing preset number display to be invisible when setting a preset.
0.4.1 - May 3, 2002
Fixed nasty bug where user can get stuck with only the error dialog skin even after restarting the application.
Fixed file descriptor leak in skin loader.
0.4.0 - April 12, 2002
Radio device is now configurable (default /dev/radio).
Left and Right arrow keys now always change the tuning manually.
Default frequency range is now 87.5 to 108.0 Mhz, driver polling is still available, but is now an option.
Internally use integers instead of floats to represent frequencies.
Some changes to the auto-tune function.
Tuning step is now maintained after entering a non-standard frequency.
Bug fixes.
0.3.0 - January 3, 2002
Added help Window.
Bug fixes.